Join us at the JCC for the Rabbi Dr Ezra Labaton A”H Day of Learning. Unable to make it? You can livestream our classes on the SCA app or by clicking here …

Join us at the JCC for the Rabbi Dr Ezra Labaton A”H Day of Learning. Unable to make it? You can livestream our classes on the SCA app or by clicking here …
The SCA and DSN partnered on an inspiring evening in Deal, NJ! We honored the Duvdevan Unit soldiers, here with Metiv, who are assisting with therapy and counseling. The night began with Hazzan Yehezkel Zion singing ‘Hatikvah,’ followed by Rabbi Richard Tobias’ powerful message, Kol Yaakob Siddurim (donated by the Catton Family, courtesy of the …
Every Shabbat afternoon in the summer hundred of young men and women gather to pray Minha and hear a message from one of our community Rabbis and educators. This is such a beautiful way for our young adults to get together! Thank you to our weekly hosts and speakers. …
Over 200 community members came out to hear from Shai Davidai about his experiences as a professor and activist at Columbia University since Oct 7th. Thank you to our gracious hosts Joey and Frieda Franco and to our amazing moderator Yola Ashkenazie. Click here to watch …
Friday afternoon, over 350 young adults gathered for an incredible event at DSN beach, in partnership with the SCA, DSN and the SCC. The turnout was amazing, with standing room only! We started with prayers for the State of Israel led by Rabbi Ralph Tawil, followed by an inspiring discussion with Elliot Dweck and Ronny …
The SCA organized an event for young adults who recently returned from their gap year in Israel. They heard from Rabbi Avi Harari and Rabbi Albert Setton about ways to ensure they continue their growth in Torah and how to approach challenges they may face transitioning back to life outside Israel. They were paired with …
Join us for this in depth conversation with Israel expert Haviv Rettig Gur! …
A full day of inspiration to commemorate the fast day. Sponsored by: Carol and Ikey Chera Florence and Jack Dweck- Leiluy Nishmat Ezra Ben Rchel Raquel and Joey Franco Toby and Ronny Hersh Helene and Alan Shamah for a play list of 17 BeTamuz classes click here …
Join us for this special class. …
Brandon Pinsker, the Associate Director of AJC New York, spoke to us on this important topic. He offers tips and advice, recourses on how to navigate antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments in your workplace. Click here to watch …
The Chai on Life Women’s Israel trip will take place on May 25-31th. We will be breathing new life, infused with dance and music, to our brothers and sisters in Israel. This trip is brought to you by Shirley Catton, the creative force behind “High on Life” dance and fitness experience. To register for this …
To hear this empowering interview Click HERE …
Nearly 300 young adults came together for the Kadima SCA Chopped culinary competition, featuring Mia Schem on March 13th. This event was not just about showcasing culinary skills; it was a fundraiser aimed at supporting Mia and her family, embodying the spirit of community and generosity that drives us. Furthermore, we were honored to have …
The SCA was thrilled to host Dinner and Discussion with Israeli activist Elizabeth Savetsky on March 18, 2024. Jack Ashkenazi expertly lead the interview where we heard about Lizzy’s experiences in Israel on and after October 7th, her impact on social media, her advice for proud Jews wanting to making a difference, and more! The …
Another 40 young adults joined the SCA Kadima trip to Israel last month! They embarked on a transformative mission that greatly impacted the Israelis they met. They continued to give back, rebuild, connect with and support our brothers and sisters in Israel. This experience had tremendous impact on the participants who had a trip they …
Our Torah learning continues this spring with some consistent favorites along with some new additions! Hope you can join us. …
For many years SCA has been leading on strategies and programming for our Young Adults to navigate antisemitism on campus and beyond. As the scale and complexity of the issues facing them has grown so to must our resources. We thank these distinguished experts for joining our effort as Special Advisors on Campus Antisemitism. Their …
Women’s Lunch and Discussion: Featuring Rebecca Sugar How do these ideologies legitimize Antisemitism? Why are they so dangerous for America and it’s Jews? What can we do to combat this destructive movement? About the Speaker: Rebecca Sugar is a writer whose column, The Cocktail Party Contrarian, appears in The New York Sun. She has …
Thank you Rabbi Ikey Tawil for infusing our Sunday with some wise words of Torah! watch the class here …
“Hineni:” Here I am, ready to answer the call, ready to step up and be there for those in need. This was the motto of the 40 young adult men and women who joined the SCA and ILEAD’s week-long mission to Israel. Our goal was to connect with our brothers and sisters in Israel, to …
Join us for an opportunity to learn for an expert on these complex issues. …
The SCA is grateful for the incredible honor from SBH at this week’s dinner, celebrating the launch of the SBH Medical Network. The plaque read “Presented to the Sephardic Community Alliance- in grateful recognition of extraordinary service and resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” SCA is honored to be a part of such an impactful initiative. …
Hundreds came out to hear our panel in memory of Rabbi Sacks A”H. The night began with opening remarks from Joanna Benarrosh, Head of the Rabbi Sacks Legacy Fund, followed by a moving speech from SCA board member Danielle Hazan. Isaac Cohen then took the stage to moderate an insightful conversation between Rabbi Joey Beyda, …
This series features Israel based tour guides, sharing first hand accounts, words of wisdom and strength. Topics range from history of Hamas to the current war in Israel. Click below to listen. Rabbi David Zeit: “My First Military Funeral on Har Hertzel” Adele Tawil: Best of Times Worst of Times Sruli Jacobson: War Over Land …
The war in Israel weighs heavy on our hearts and in these troubling times we join together to pray for Hashem’s protection over the State of Israel and the IDF, for the safe release of the hostages, and for peace. Please look out for these cards in your congregation and may all our Teffilot be …
Last night we held a webinar specifically for college students. The expert panel discussed the practical ways we can respond to antisemitism on campus, how we can turn to Hashem and our emunah during these difficult times and how we can take care of our own wellbeing, in regard to the stress we’re feeling, as …
Click below to hear the recordings of these inspiring classes. here …
As we mourn for the murdered, pray for the safe return of those who havebeen abducted and for our soldiers going to battle, the SCA will be workingwith institutions and individuals throughout our Community as we support theState, the Land and the People of Israel in this difficult time.Community-wide efforts will include the contribution of …
In culmination of the SCA’s successful summer boys and young men learning program our students and teachers celebrated at our annual siyum! Students heard from Rabbi Isaac Farhi, Rabbi Harold Sutton, and Rabbi Charles Safdieh. Congratulations to our raffle winners and thank you to Rabbi Ikey Tawil for organizing another great summer of Torah learning! …
The SCA held a special Minhag of the Week High Holiday Panel dedicated in loving memory of Ralph L Tawil A”H. Click here to watch! …
This past weekend, the SCA hosted the first Orthodox Jew drafted of the NBA Ryan Turell – former player at Yeshivah University. Ryan shared stories and messages with hundreds of our community youth about the significance of a strong work ethic, and why we as Jews are proud of our Jewish identity. Ryan was featured …
Thousands of community members attended (and watched on live stream!) our annual Rabbi Dr. Ezra Labaton Tish’a BeAb Day of Learning. Thank you to all who helped make this day possible- especially the program directors Rabbi Ikey Tawil and Mr. Bobby Dweck! …
The first ever “Showdown by the Shore”, was an incredible success. The goal of the night was simple: to prepare young adults for the antizionism they will face on college campuses and to sharpen their Israel advocacy skills and confidence. We accomplished this through young adult mock debates, discussing many of the key issues that …
On July 5th SCA President, Michael Mishaan spoke with Brooke Goldstein about rising antisemitism, current events and being an advocate for the Jewish community. Brooke is the Founder and Executive Director of the Lawfare Project and Co-founder of End Jew Hatred. Click Here to Watch …
Join us for a special opportunity to hear from this excellent renowned Rabbi and speaker. Rabbi Meir Soloveichik is one the leading Jewish thinkers in the world and senior educator at Tikvah. He is: Senior Rabbi at America’s oldest Jewish congregation Shearith Israel Host of Tikvah’s popular podcasts Bible 365 and Jerusalem 365 Founder and Director of the …
In response to the 2023 CUNY Law commencement address, the SCA sent a letter to CUNY Chancellor Felix V. Matos Rodriguez. Click here for full letter Click here to watch the speech …
The SCA and End Jew Hatred have started a joint WhatsApp Chat for people interested in getting involved and making a difference. Click here to join the chat …
The SCA Board of Trustees and Directors are proud to welcome our new President Micael A Mishaan. On August 11, 2008, at the office of Mr. Joe Cayre, over sixty community leaders met to discuss the formation of a new organization dedicated to preserving the Sephardic values, customs and traditions that our parents and …
On April 20th, SCA Young Adult Program Director Aaron Shasha spoke to Hillel Yeshiva Juniors and Seniors as part of their program addressing antisemitism on campus and beyond. He was on a panel alongside representatives from AIPAC, StandWithUs and American Jewish Committee. SCA’s session titled “Irrational Thinking in the Middle East” focused on the way …
On Monday March 13th, over 70 community young adults studying in Israel joined the SCA “Bridge the Gap” program. The day began with prayers and breakfast at the Inbal Hotel followed by 3 remarkable sessions. Aaron Shasha, SCA young adult program director, held a workshop addressing student’s concerns about adjusting to life back at home …
Thank you to Rabbi Dr Richard Hidary for teaching this special pre-Pesah class. All in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the class and the lunch. We went into the holiday with a deeper appreciation and understanding of our rituals. …
This month Rabbi Bitton led a fascinating series of workshops for couples. The classes were graciously hosted by Danielle and Albert Hazan, Linda and Eddie Rishty, and Estee and Steven Gindi. Topics included the differences we can learn about men and women through the story of creation, a psychological approach to relationships, and contrasting approaches …
Check out the amazing offerings this season for Torah classes! …
Find a Megilah reading near you, any time this Purim! click here for schedule …
The SCA was proud to partner with SBH Connect on this year’s Tu B’Shbat celebration. Mrs. Vivien Hidary spearheaded the seder which was also attended by the Barkai 8th grade girls. This was such a beautiful way for our community seniors to celebrate this special holiday! …
Thank you to Mrs. Emily Labaton and Mrs. Vicki Angel for leading a fascinating discussion on the book One Hundred Saturdays by Michael Frank, and the history of the Sephardic Jews of Rhodes. We are so grateful to hosts Gitta & Danny Kaplan for a beautiful evening! …
This Fall the SCA hosted a special dinner and program for college age students. Carly Gimmell, the director of the Stand With Us center for combating antisemitism gave an excellent presentation to the students, after which they were presented with case studies and role-playing situations that they or their peers have faced on campus as …
On November 8th the SCA and the Center welcomed Noa Tishby to discuss antisemitism, anti-Zionism and what we can to do fight hate, discrimination and misinformation. Noa was expertly interviewed by Abe Hamra, president of Uprooted. Noa is an author and activist. She is also Israel’s Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism and the Delegitimization of …
In honor of Hannukah, the SCA was proud to host Rabbi Joseph Dweck, senior Rabbi of the Sephardic and Portuguese community in London, to give an inspiring class at The Club at Beth Torah. Despite the gloomy weather, over one hundred men and women turned out to hear Rabbi Dweck’s enlightening message and enjoy a …
The World Mizrachi movement is holding the first World Orthodox Israel Congress in Jerusalem this year on April 26-28. The SCA is proud to be among the orthodox communities from over 40 countries participating. The congress will be taking pace during the 75th Yom Ha’atzmaut and will be attended by Jewish professionals and lay leaders …
In commemoration of Mizrahi Heritage Month. The SCA is proud to be partnering with Camera on Campus for their “Mizrahi Stories Campaign.” The goal of which is to spread the stories and experiences of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews, while dispelling misinformation and keeping history alive. For more information visit …
Earlier this month Unpacked for Educators held a webinar for teachers called “Reclaiming Zionism for your Classroom.” Educators and those in attendance were introduced to the new 10 part video series: “Zionism Revisited” and it’s accompanying curriculum. This new series is a powerful tool meant to help students understand the origins and complexities of Zionism. …
This year’s annual Rabbi Dr. Ezra Labaton A’H SCA Tish’a BeAb Day of Learning was attended by thousands of community members. There were over 45 classes throughout the day, the recordings of which can be found here. Thank you to all who attended! …
“זֶה הַיּוֹם עָשָׂה ה נָגִילָה וְנִשְׂמְחָה בוֹ” Through the generosity of The Oved, Betesh & Pardo families- the SCA celebrated a Hakhnasat Sefer Torah Sunday morning! Friends and family gathered together to complete the final words of this beautiful Sefer Torah. After it was completed, we heard inspiring Dibre Torah from Hakham Shimon Alouf, which …
On April 3rd we will be partnering with over a dozen organizations to take part in “Jewish Heritage Night” at Madison Square Garden! By purchasing your discounted tickets using the below link for the NY Rangers game, you will also be supporting the efforts in Ukraine. Click here to purchase tickets …
Dear Community Member, As we continue to monitor the devastating situation in Ukraine, we cannot help but be moved to action. With too many lives already lost and thousands of our Jewish brothers and sisters impacted, we continue to pray for the safety and well-being of the people of Ukraine. The SCA has put together …
A special Purim class with our seniors on Wednesday, March 16 at SBH! …
We are excited to introduce a new concept to the SCA audience. “PODCAST TALKS” is a book club for podcasts. (Reading the book is not required!) Join us for our inaugural event is December 21 at 1:00PM. We will be discussing the prizewinning novelist Dara Horn’s new book “People Love Dead Jews”. Dara often writes about subjects related …
SCA is proud to take part in the national #ShineALight on Antisemitism initiative this Hanukkah! See below video from SCA Board Member Maurice Levy. …
On November 22, the SCA partnered with Enough is Enough and the Sephardic Community Center in hosting a conversation on how to deal with antisemitism. Norma Chehebar introduced the night, followed by Michael Harary, who serves as a board member of Enough is Enough. He briefed the audience on the history of what our community has been doing …
Check out this month’s issue of the IMAGE Magazine for an incredible article on our recent event with the Sephardic Community Center as we hosted Senator Joe Lieberman and Meghan McCain to discuss standing up to antisemitism …
We’re honored to take place in the Rabbi Sacks A”H global initiative for Rabbi Sacks’ first yarzheit- “Communities in Conversation”. Join any of the many classes & programs taking place on October 25 and 26th. May his memory be a blessing. …
SCA Special Young Adult Program Sunday Afternoon at the JCC.
Program generously sponsored by Ezra S. & Sharyn Ashkenazi. Come and hear Dr. Noam Weissman from OpenDor Media speak about Anti-Semitism today and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict …
Join us Sunday July 18, 2021 for our annual Rabbi Dr. Ezra Labaton A”H Tish’a BeAb Day of Learning! Hear from 50+ Rabbis and Teachers live at the JCC …
Irene Hanan is a graduate of Hillel Yeshiva Elementary School (Class of ‘93) and High School (Class of ‘97). She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Monmouth University. In addition to being a board member of the Sephardic Community Alliance, Irene is involved in many community organizations …