SCA Virtual Midrash and Companion App
In Loving Memory of Stanley Chera A"H by his family
All your favorite teachers!
All your favorite topics!
Over 3,500 classes and more being added daily!
Discover and Explore:
Perashat HaShabuah
Holiday Dibre Torah
Minhag of the Week
and more...
Building Our Future,
While Preserving Our Past
The SCA provides educational programming and resources to preserve,
perpetuate, and celebrate our Sephardic values, traditions, and culture
of engaging the modern world with Halakhic integrity. In partnership
with our affiliate institutions, we engage the strategic challenges facing
our Community through coordination, collaboration, and developing
the necessary resources to address them.
Resources and Tools for
Jewish Students on Campus
The SCA has cultivated resources and partnerships to prepare our young adults for campus and beyond. Through our wide network of experts we have been able to educated and support our youth for the challenges they may face.